First Place!

I won first place in the peoples choice awards at the ABFM. I kept telling people “If I don’t win then the contest is fixed!” I won so the contest must be legit.  I’ve had lots of people, those who know Lotus and those who don’t, compliment me on the car during the summer, but I think I really wanted that hockey puck to say, “Great Job”

It is nice to take the car out and have people appreciate the hard work. If you voted for my car at the field meet, Thank You.

Nadya drove the car to and from the field meet and lived her Mrs. Peel fantasy. After getting to the field and getting home she said I could keep the car. I guess I should start looking for another one for her!

Author: Jim Boone
Jim is the resident photographer and web dude. He enjoys driving, practical shooting, and the occasional shotgun game. He is classified as M in USPSA Open and is working hard to be a real M class shooter.